11,417 research outputs found

    Vanishing of the upper critical field in Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_{8+\delta} from Landau-Ott scaling

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    We apply Landau-Ott scaling to the reversible magnetization data of Bi2_2Sr2_2CaCu2_2O8+δ_{8+\delta} published by Y. Wang et al. [\emph{Phys. Rev. Lett. \textbf{95} 247002 (2005)}] and find that the extrapolation of the Landau-Ott upper critical field line vanishes at a critical temperature parameter, T^*_c, a few degrees above the zero resistivity critical temperature, T_c. Only isothermal curves below and near to T_c were used to determine this transition temperature. This temperature is associated to the disappearance of the mixed state instead of a complete suppression of superconductivity in the sample.Comment: 3 figure

    Photonic applications of azobenzene molecules embedded in amorphous polymer

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    AbstractThe incorporation of azobenzene chromophores into polymer systems gives rise to a number of unique effects under UV and visible light irradiation. The light-driven isomerization of the azobenzene element acts as a light-to-mechanical energy converter, translating the nanoscopic structural movement of the isomerization azobenzene into macroscopic topographic film modulation in the form of surface relief. This review focuses on the study of reversible changes in shape in various systems incorporating azobenzene, including large-scale superficial photo-patterned glassy materials, light-driven reshaping of tridimensional superficial azo-textures and contractions of stimuli-responsive liquid crystalline networks (LCNs). Further, promising applications of azo systems are investigated as smart biointerfaces able to mimic time-varying biological systems

    Bamboo trusses with low cost and high ductility joints

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    Innovative solutions of joints for bamboo trusses are presented. Experimental tests show the performances and the high level of ductility of the proposed technique, joined with simplicity in the concept of the joints, low level of technology and low cost of all used materials. It can permit a proper dissemination and a sustainable maintenance in developing countries

    The current progress of the ALICE Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detector

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    Recently, the last two modules (out of seven) of the ALICE High Momentum Particle Identification detector (HMPID) were assembled and tested. The full detector, after a pre-commissioning phase, has been installed in the experimental area, inside the ALICE solenoid, at the end of September 2006. In this paper we review the status of the ALICE/HMPID project and we present a summary of the series production of the CsI photo-cathodes. We describe the key features of the production procedure which ensures high quality photo-cathodes as well as the results of the quality assessment performed by means of a specially developed 2D scanner system able to produce a detailed map of the CsI photo-current over the entire photo-cathode surface. Finally we present our recent R&D efforts toward the development of a novel generation of imaging Cherenkov detectors with the aim to identify, in heavy ions collisions, hadrons up to 30 GeV/c.Comment: Presented at the Imaging-2006 Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, June 200

    Closed form micro-macro relationships for periodic masonry

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    The use of theoretical models for providing a constitutive identification of masonry, starting from the individual properties of the phases (i.e. mortar and bricks), constitutes an attractive alternative to costly experimental investigations. In the case of brickwork with periodic texture, the latter issue is tackled resorting to the homogenization theory by Anthoine [1] and solved by means of the finite element method. In order to obtain closed form formulations many authors in literature made simplifying assumptions regarding either the masonry bond, Pande et al. [2], or the joints thickness, Cecchi & Sab [3]. The simplifications adopted turn out to introduce significant errors in the results when either a large difference in stiffness between the phases or a non negligible thickness of the joint are encountered. In the present paper a homogenization procedure is presented, which takes into account the effect of the bond and the Poisson-type interaction between mortar and brick. Assuming a simplified kinematics for the phases belonging to the R.V.E., the so-called localization problem is solved by imposing the minimization of the average internal strain energy. Closed form formulations are then derived for the equivalent in-plane elastic constants of masonry. The expressions found are consistent with those obtained in literature in the limit cases in which masonry is tackled as a stratified medium or where the joints are treated as interfaces. The accuracy of the results is investigated by means of a comparison with finite element analysis. A parametric study, conducted varying the geometries and the mechanical properties of the phases, shows that the error introduced over a very wide range of values for the elastic properties is lower than 8%, meaning that the procedure is ready to be used for non-linear analysis

    Geometry of Empty Space is the Key to Near-Arrest Dynamics

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    We study several examples of kinetically constrained lattice models using dynamically accessible volume as an order parameter. Thereby we identify two distinct regimes exhibiting dynamical slowing, with a sharp threshold between them. These regimes are identified both by a new response function in dynamically available volume, as well as directly in the dynamics. Results for the selfdiffusion constant in terms of the connected hole density are presented, and some evidence is given for scaling in the limit of dynamical arrest.Comment: 11 page

    Blog sobre legislação ambiental brasileira na Embrapa: a informação ao alcance de todos.

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    A legislação ambiental brasileira visa fiscalizar e punir aquele que causa dano ao meio ambiente, bem como garantir qualidade de vida e sustentabilidade ambiental para todos. Através de meios eletrônicos é possível obter informações da legislação brasileira. A disponibilidade em meios eletrônicos, especialmente internet, facilita o acesso da população às leis, levando a todos a conscientização das legislações existentes no Brasil. O objetivo desta pesquisa é reunir, classificar e disponibilizar a legislação ambiental, de forma fácil e clara, ao alcance e acesso a toda população. O acesso pode ser feito através de um link que será disponibilizado no site da Embrapa Gado de Corte. Ao acessar a página, o visitante visualiza a legislação ambiental que foi dividida por assuntos. Disponibiliza-se também a sinopse da lei, o número da legislação e o texto da legislação na íntegra através de hiperlink. Este é interligado e direcionado a um site do governo federal, que atualiza regularmente todas as legislações. No site da Embrapa será disponibilizado o acesso de diversas normas jurídicas e administrativas, de âmbito ambiental para pesquisas e download. Hoje temos, relacionado com a legislação ambiental, registros de 37 Leis, 18 Decretos, dois Decreto-Lei, 10 Portarias Normativas do IBAMA, 33 Resoluções do Conama, uma Portaria IPHAN, uma Instrução Normativa MMA, duas Portarias do Ibama, uma Portaria do Ministério da Saúde, uma Resolução RDC e a Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil de 1988. As normas jurídicas ambientais têm como objetivo disciplinar atividades humanas, para torná-las compatível com a proteção do meio ambiente. A pesquisa procura conscientizar a existência das leis ambientais, facilitando e disponibilizando seu acesso pela internet na página da Embrapa. A educação e informações direcionadas e especializadas, como a proposta desta pesquisa, pode auxiliar na transformação do ambiente em que vivemos, além de contribuir na pesquisa educacional dos interessados

    Dense coding with multipartite quantum states

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    We consider generalisations of the dense coding protocol with an arbitrary number of senders and either one or two receivers, sharing a multiparty quantum state, and using a noiseless channel. For the case of a single receiver, the capacity of such information transfer is found exactly. It is shown that the capacity is not enhanced by allowing the senders to perform joint operations. We provide a nontrivial upper bound on the capacity in the case of two receivers. We also give a classification of the set of all multiparty states in terms of their usefulness for dense coding. We provide examples for each of these classes, and discuss some of their properties.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figure, RevTeX